Lock Rekey In Van Nuys

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Lock Rekey In Van Nuys

If you have recently moved into a new apartment, house or office, we would highly recommend rekeying or changing all your door locks. The reason is very simple; many people might have the key to your new home or business: tradesmen, friends of the previous owner, previous tenants, etc. Why put your security in their hands? Get the peace of mind you deserve! Call the experts in Rekeying Locks in Los Angeles.

Rekeying Locks

Rekeying is the process of modifying a lock so that a different key can operate it while the old one will not. Rekeying is done by changing the configuration inside the lock. The nice thing about rekeying is that it can be done without replacing the lock itself which makes it a more affordable solution.

Changing Locks

If the locks are old and rusty, stiff and hard to use, or maybe lower security grade than you would wish, you should consider upgrading your locks. Master Key Replacement In Los Angeles will remove your old lock and install a brand new one. This might be more expensive than simply rekeying locks but it gives you the chance to have the locks you choose and upgrade by using stronger and safer locks such as high security deadbolts.

Whichever you choose, Master Key Replacement In Los Angeles is here to help. We have over 30 years’ and four generations of locksmith experience. So we can provide the best service possible.

One of my favourite deadbolts is the Schlage B660 Deadbolt. It is a commercial grade deadbolt common in hospitals and schools and a great deadbolt for residential. Several options for keyways ranging from the popular Classic SC1 keyway to the new C129 and the High Security Primus (rated UL 437, pick resistant and drill resistant). Keyway selection is almost unlimited.

Most people think that when you lose or misplace your house keys, you need to replace the lock. Missing keys can jeopardize the safety of your home. We see horror stories all the time about people using missing or stolen keys to gain access to people’s homes — endangering the contents inside, as well as the people. Even if you just lone your key to someone else, they could make a copy before they return it to you (this happens a lot!). Because of this, we always recommend that you address the problem of missing house keys before it is too late.

Missing keys jeopardize the security of your home, however; this does not mean that you need to replace the door lock — instead, save yourself a lot of time and money by having your lock rekeyed. Almost all deadbolts, handle sets, and door locks are able to be rekeyed. A typical rekey costs around $100 while replacing the door lock can range between $250-$500.

A rekey is when the internal mechanism of the lock is rearranged or recoded to match a new set of keys. This is basic security work and every locksmith should be able to do this quickly and affordable. A rekey means that the old keys, including the missing or stolen keys, no longer operate the lock, and a new set of keys will. This is the most efficient way to secure your home.

Door locks typically have 5-6 pins inside the cylinder which align with the key to create a sheer line, allowing the cylinder to spin and draw the latch. During the rekey process, those pins are recoded to match a new key. When Master Key Replacement In Los Angeles rekeys your door locks, we give you 5 free keys, and we always guarantee the old keys no longer operate the lock.

We recommend rekeying your locks every time a key is lost, stolen, loaned out, or goes missing. This is the most effective way to ensure that someone doesn’t have access to your home.


What Our Client Say

“The technician got there very quickly and was very helpful. He was not only technically good but he was reassuring that I would indeed get into my condo unit very soon!”

Magdalena - Georgia

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